Honey is a powerful food, it’s nature’s medicine. Raw honey is a natural antibacterial. It can knock out and even wipe out just about any type of bacteria you list, including MRSA. Additionally, honey has a long list of healing health properties and has a lot of research backing up these statements.
Would you have ever thought something so simple from nature could be so powerful and actually heal and prevent so many health issues? I knew raw honey was healthy but really didn’t know it was this powerful until I began reading the studies and research on honey. Honey belongs in your kitchen next to every NutriBullet or Vitamix and should be eaten every day, small amounts go a long way!
Honey is an amazing substance. Its use for food goes as far back as 8,500 years ago in murals found in Spain and for medicine as far back as 5,000 years ago in Greece, India, and China.
Honey is literally a gift from the honeybee! The honeybee makes honey as food for baby bees (larvae) and for food for the hive when nectar is in short supply during the winter.
Honey is mostly sugar composed of fructose and sucrose, smaller amounts of other sugars, and other nutrients and antioxidants in a water base. The honeybee transforms nectar into honey through the regurgitation of an enzymatic substance into honeycombs, and then, through evaporation of enough water, you have honey.
Yes, that is how bees make honey!
Now the Good Stuff!
Honey has outstanding health properties. It’s amazing when you see honey is just sugars, water, and a small amount of other nutrients. Fake honey does not offer the health benefits that real raw honey does. (Did you even know fake honey existed?) You always want to look for raw honey.
Research studies tell us many positive things about honey. Let’s look at a few.
- Honey has antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation throughout our body.
- Honey has very powerful immune-boosting and heart-protecting enzymes and antioxidants.
- Honey has antibiotic properties. It cured a case of MRSA when powerful antibiotics couldn’t. I personally witnessed this event. A century ago, doctors used honey as a surgical dressing because it is a very powerful antibiotic.
- Honey can keep skin supple and can help reduce scarring because it keeps skin hydrated.
- Honey is great for digestive support because it acts as a prebiotic and kills bad bacteria.
- Studies show honey can help heal ulcers.
- Honey is very effective for sore throats when mixed with lemon juice and green tea and then sipped on.
- Studies show honey lowers bad LDL cholesterol, raises good HDL levels, and lowers triglyceride levels.
- Honey is a great source of energy for athletes and helps athletes recover from vigorous exercise. It is a superior energy source, and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are muscle and cardio-protective.
- Honey mixed with Ceylon cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and green tea makes a very powerful anti-inflammatory drink. If you use a lot of cinnamon you should only use Ceylon cinnamon. The other type of cinnamon found in most grocery stores is a variety called cassia cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon has coumarin, a toxic compound that can damage your liver if consumed in higher quantities.
- Honey is an excellent sugar replacement for diabetics. Some studies show raw honey can lower fasting blood sugar levels, while other studies show it also raises A1C levels and lowers fasting blood sugar levels. This may sound confusing. If you are diabetic I would recommend using raw honey in place of any other sugars. Because honey is much sweeter than sugar it takes much less for the same sweetness effect.
While honey isn’t an ingredient in Vive Shake, we do recommend using Organic Raw honey as part of your total nutrition plan. To see how this whole-food, fiber-rich supplement can add to your wellness routine, contact us today at info@viveshake.com or 877-878-3009. Next time, we’ll talk about a special brand of raw honey – Unique Manuka.