Last week we started discussing grains and introduced you to rice bran. Today we want to discuss the negatives of grain refinement and why rice bran is different.
In the late 1800s, grain refining was developed in Europe and soon came to the Americas and the rest of the world. The refining process removes the most nutrient-dense part of the grain – the bran and germ. This allows grains to be stored for a long time without spoiling.
When grain refining was developed, rice was polished to make it shelf stable so it could be stocked on store shelves.
My Stand on Grain Consumption
I want to make clear my personal position on grains. Due to the inflammatory effects, I do not recommend them to most of my clients. Grains grown today are not like their cousins from hundreds of years back. They are hybridized to the point that most are inflammatory for the digestive and neurological systems.
However, the bran and germ on the rice kernel are much different. They’re only a small part of the whole kernel. They do not have most of the negatives experienced by eating the whole grain.
If you do eat grains, they should be eaten only in moderation and always in sprouted whole form. Sprouted grains become more like a vegetable, have more nutrition, and the inflammatory compounds are mostly neutralized. I find that my clients’ inflammatory and digestive issues get much better with a diet devoid of grains or, at a minimum, a reduced amount consumed.
Moms Always Know Best!
At the refining mills, piles of the bran were put outside the grain refining plants for disposal or sold as feed for animals.
Moms in India knew something powerful was in the discarded bran and germ! When their children were sick, they would walk to the processing plants and get the bran to feed their sick children. They knew it had excellent healing abilities. Moms would make porridge from the bran, and in most cases, their children would heal better and faster.
Rice bran is hypoallergenic and is gentle enough for even infants yet a super powerhouse of health for adults! The bran of the rice is where approximately 85% of the nutritional power of the rice kernel is stored. The bran portion of rice is extremely nutrient dense.
When you’re incorporating rice bran into your diet, consider adding Vive Shake to your wellness routine. For more information on how Vive Shake can help improve your health, contact us today at or 877-878-3009. Next week, we’ll talk about the benefits of incorporating rice bran.